Java Applets

Java Applets

Java Applets y Clases - Tecnología y Desarrollo de Sistemas, Aplicaciones y Software
General Java Class Library and Applet
Source code archive for Core Web Programming 250+ Java classes and 200+ HTML/JavaScript documents presented in the book.'s Java index, the mega applet collection. Formerly called "Gamelan".
JARS -- Java Applet Rating Service. Collection of applets judged "Top X%" (for various X).
The J Files - Java Centre's applet collection.
Acme Java Software. Applets and class libraries from Jef Poskanzer. Includes a printf-like formatting library.
Cup O' Joe. Applets, applications, and class libraries. - ->
Java Class Warehouse. Class library collection from James Tauber.
SGI's applet collection.
Digital Cats' Java Collection. Available in English or Japanese.
Yahoo's applet collection.
Applets from German Java Repository.
The Java Boutique. From Jason Gurney and MecklerMedia.
Jerry's Java Page. From Jerry Haygood.
Lava Rocks; printf, DES, and other utilities.
Graphics Applets and Class Libraries's collection of Java charting and graphing classes.
Mica, a free 2D graphics library for Java.
Perspective for Java. Charting/graphing tools from 3D Graphics Co.
JavaChart, another free chart/graph package. From Visual Engineering.
Jim Buzbee's Hershey Font class.
Java Games
Games at (Gamelan).
Games from the JavaBoutique.
"Rated" games from the Java Applet Rating Service.
Cool Applets and Games. From Mark Boynes.
Java Programming Resources at Sun This is in addition to the API (1.0, 1.1, and 1.2), compiler/browser (JDK/HotJava) and development environment (Java Workshop) available from the Java documentation, downloading, and IDE sections, respectively.
Sun's main Java website. Available in SUN or
Sun's Java FAQ's. Collection of Frequently Asked Questions on various Java-related topics.
JavaSoft's top-level documentation page.
Index of Sun's Java-related products and API's.
The JavaOne Conferences.
Java Solutions Guide. Index to 3rd-party commercial Java applications.
Java application success stories.
The Java Community Process. How to be involved in the Java specification development.
Sun vs. Microsoft Java lawsuit. Information from Sun about the lawsuit against Microsoft over Java compatibility. For more objective coverage, see Yahoo's coverage of the lawsuit or search online news sources for recent articles about the lawsuit.
Articles about the AOL/Netscape/Sun deal.
Sun's Java training courses (US). (If Sun's courses seem a bit steep, or you want something on-site, or prefer an instructor with more hands-on Java development experience, also see these courses.)
Java Foundation Classes (Swing).
Java Servlets.
Java WebServer.
Enterprise JavaBeans.
Java IDL.
Java 3D.
Java Blend database integration package.
Sun's HTML Display Component.
Free Java Programming Tools
JGL, the Java Generic Library. Data structures and algorithms for Java: stacks, queues, sorting, searching, sets, etc. Licensed by Microsoft and Borland, but can be downloaded and used for free.
Jikes Debugger. A graphical debugger for Java from IBM.
Performance Profilers
ProfileViewer. From Greg White.
Jinsight. Windows 95/NT runtime profiler from IBM.
Optimize It! Commercial profiler for Windows 95/NT and Solaris.
Components from ORO Inc. Regular expressions; packages for FTP, NNTP, SMTP, etc; AWK-like tools; etc.
WebMacro Servlet Toolkit. From Justin Wells et al.
Decompilers. These turn .class files into usually-readable source.
Mocha. The original From H.P. van Vliet.
JavaWorld Magazine's online version. Also see Chuck McManis' Java Resource page, which includes all of the source code from his Java in Depth column in JavaWorld.
Sun's Java Developer Connection
The Java Boutique. From
Inside Java.
JAD. The fast JAva Decompiler.
Java DDE Toolkit. Allows applications or applets (with pre-installed code on the client and CLASSPATH set) to communicate with Windows applications via the Dynamic Data Exchance protocol. Windows 95/NT only.
Georgia Tech's "Sub Arctic" UI Toolkit for Java. By Scott Hudson and Ian Smith.
TclJava. A free Tcl/Java integration toolkit. Applications only.
A free Java-to-C compiler. From Yukio Andoh.
A public domain C++ to Java translator. From Chris Laffra.
Java Class Viewer. View the fields and methods of a class file. From Robert Raud.
JSP and Servlet Programming Resources. Servlet and JSP documentation, specifications, Web hosting providers, books, training courses, servers, IDEs, etc.
Search online news sources for recent Java articles. Searches Internet week, InfoWorld, PC Week, CNET, etc. You can also focus your search on the Sun vs. Microsoft Java lawsuit.
Team Java. Or jump directly to their Java Links.
UK's Java Centre.
Java Repository.
Digital Cats' Java Resource Center. Available in English or Japanese.
The Java Performance Report.
Yahoo's Java Programming section.'s Java Programming section.
Mid-Atlantic Java User's Group.
Harbor Java User's Group (Baltimore)
Unofficial Java Spec Report. Confirmed errors and API issues, many of which are not on JavaSoft's lists.
Magelang Institute, a JavaSoft-authorized training organization.
JavaNumerics, a resource on numerical programming in Java. Includes benchmarks, performance info, papers, etc.
Java site from
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Applets y Clases
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