

PHP Articulos, Libros y Revistas - Empresas con gran experiencia en desarrollo PHP para empresas comerciales que desean sitios con bases de datos y busquedas asi como sistemas bancarios y transacciones por internet utilizando diversas tecnologias .
Zend Technologies Es una de las mas grandes empresas de la comunidad del PHP y que promueve el uso de este lenguaje. Son los creadores de Zend Engine y otras herramientas y soluciones para php - Sitio en castellano con noticias y articulos de PHP Sitio de Venezuela dedicado exclusivamente al lenguaje PHP
PHP en Castellano - Sitio en español de la comunidad php. Con articulos, scripts, noticias, codigo fuenta, sugerencias, herramientas, consejos de desarrolladores y mucho mas.
Zona PHP Zona PHP esta dedicado al PHP con tutoriales y noticias Sitio de usuarios de php de habla francesa.
PHP Québec Empresas que promueven el uso profesional del PHP en Québec, Canada. Discusion mensual de projectos y alcances.
New York PHP Comunidad internacional que soporta la adopcion del php, proyectos y su desarrollo
Planet PHP Las ultimas noticias y weblogs relacionados con el PHP
PHP Magazines
Direction - PHP Direction - PHP is a monthly French speaking magazine, dedicated to PHP and MySQL. It covers industry news and technology reviews. It is mainly downloaded by professionnals, in PDF format.
php architect The first monthly English magazine about PHP, distributed in PDF format
PHP Magazin The Software and Support Verlag, based in Frankfurt, Germany, has now published a magazine on PHP as a tribute to the steadily growing German PHP community (in German).
PHP Magazine An English edition of the magazine mentioned above. The PHP Magazine is published bimonthly and aimed at professional PHP users.
PHP Tunisie Magazine PHP Tunisie Magazine is a monthly French speaking magazine, distributed in PDF format and dedicated to PHP and its related technologies. It's edited by the Tunisian PHP users group.
PHP Merchandise
PHP projects' merchandise A search result page with various PHP related projects' shops (not all results are necessarily PHP related!)
PHP Support Companies
Tecnocomunicaciones - A company with advanced expertise in software solutions. Providing design, development, full support (single incidents, on-call duty), software development, training, and performance measurements, testing.
Zend Technologies - Zend Technologies is one of the bigges companies for the PHP community and promotes PHP adoption. Founded by the authors of the Zend Engine and members of the PHP Group, Zend offers both free and commercial solutions for PHP. - (Association Française des Utilisateurs de PHP) : The AFUP was created to answer the growing need from companies to have one unique place for PHP solutions.
PHP Québec - PHP Québec promotes PHP for professional users in Québec, Canada. Every month, companies hold sessions about their use of PHP, their customer cases and their solutions.
New York PHP - International community supporting PHP adoption, projects and development.
PHP Catalogs and News
Planet PHP - Latest news aggregated from PHP related weblogs. - The PHP category in the Open Directory Project. - PHP Books, Magazine Articles, Communities, Scripts and Programs, Softwares, Tips - Many Links and Tutorials, Articles and FAQ about Linux, Apache Web Server, HTML, PHP, MySQL . and lots more
PHP Everywhere - Links and news about PHP and related technologies.
PHP Resource Index - Hundreds of PHP resources, categorized and searchable
PHP Sites Webring Find PHP Sites within this webring!
Que es PHP ?
Directorio de Librerias y Clases
Tutoriales y Recursos
Herramientas de Programacion
Sitios Importantes sobre PHP
Libros y Revistas
Tecno Libros 2025
El impacto de la tecnología en el aprendizaje: Suecia regresa a los libros infobae
Un joven le compró un libro para colorear a un nene emprendedor y lo que vio al abrirlo lo dejó sin palabras TN - Todo Noticias
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Feria del Libro de Rawson: el stand de Educación, con juegos, libros y tecnología SI SAN JUAN