

PHP Links - Tecnología y Desarrollo de Sistemas, Aplicaciones y Software
List of installation kits An extensive list of installation kits setting up servers and PHP for you in minutes.
PHP Editors List A comprehensive list of editors you can use to edit PHP programs
PHP projects' merchandise A search result page with various PHP related projects' shops (not all results are necessarily PHP related!)
PHP Web Sites
Arthur De Groot's tutorial on PHP 3.0 and mSQL 2.0
apache php information and resources at open source IT
Cetus Links 15,673 Links on Objects and Components - PHP
Club of the developers PHP
Code Web
Core PHP by Leon Atkinson
DevShed - Introduction to PHP
DevShed - PHP Manual Mirror
DevShed - Quick and Dirty Search Engine with PHP and MySQL
DevShed - Search This!
DevShed - Using PHP to access databases
Dynamic Web Pages with PHP
e-gineer - PHP Knowledge Base
Earth's first choice for database and web hosting -
Idea Partners, Inc.
Introductory tutorial
ionline PHP magazine
ISPs Supporting PHP
iVillage PHP Community Center
MyGuestbook - English Your resource for MySql and PHP
NeoBoard 2.0
NORMAD Solutions Inc. PHP Help Links
PHP 101
PHP Archives
PHP Base Library
PHP Class Libraries
PHP Code Exchange
PHP Codebase
PHP Database Enabled Websites Tutorial
PHP Hosting Companies
PHP Hypertext Preprocessor
PHP Knowledge Base
PHP tutorial
PHP Zone - The official PHP site
PHP3 Base Library
PHP3 PHP Hypertext Preprocessor
PHP3 Resources - The Resource for PHP Developers - Help, Tips and Tutorials for php3 Developers
phpmagazine coming soon!!! - resources for PHP developers
PX PHP Code Exchange
Resource Page PHP3
Support Forum - Topics - PHP
Synaptic MicroSystems - PHP Pages
Techtalk columns Php scripting language
VH Consultants PHP classes and products
Webtoys HTML Forum PHP Message Index
Welcome to PHPAddict - Where the addiction to PHP is accepted and shared freely! ;)
Yahoo! Clubs php3hypertexpreprocessor
Non-English PHP Sites
Bosnian - Bosnian site with PHP and SQL manual, tutorials, scripts, forum, mailing list, tools, books.
Brazilian - Brazilian PHP portal with many links and information
Chinese - Exceed PHP Opensource site with PHP, MySQL and Apache tutorials, articles and scripts
Croatian - PHP.izvor (PHP.source) Croatian site with news, source code, manuals, beginners guides, forums, questions and answers, on-line help for programmers, polls, tools, etc.
Czech Republic - PHP tricks Weblog about PHP programming
Dutch - Pagina A Dutch PHP portal that lists a lot of PHP links, including free hosting
PHP Center The biggest Estonian portal site with tutorials, manual translations, discussion board, chat room, link collection, news, etc.
French Home of PHP French documentation, with comprehensive technical information, and all PHP related news
phpdebutant Apprendre le PHP par l'exemple, facilement et simplement. Réservé d'abord aux débutants.
phpfr Le site de référence sur PHP en France!
phpfrance Pour tout savoir sur le PHP, en français. Vous trouverez un tutorial, des exemples, des astuces, toute la documentation nécessaire, ainsi que des forums pour poser des questions.
PHPIndex A French gateway to PHP related contents
PHPscripts-fr More than 500 PHP applications, listed and sorted
phpTeam Site traitant du PHP pour les professionels (php et flash, mysql, postgresql, pear,.)
FAQ of the French PHP newsgroup : infosystemes auteurs
PHP Center German speaking portal site with tutorials, tips and tricks, job advertisements, articles and more
PHP-Homepage German site about PHP with scripts, tips, forums, MyGuestBook, articles, news and more
Dynamic-Webpages German site with installation guides, tips and scripts, BestOfGML, WhoIsWho - a view on german PHP-cracks, german manual, book reviews, links and more
PHPCrawler Searchengine over German PHP-sites with webaccess to newsgroups
PHPWelt A German website using PHP to offer free services, a huge script-archive, free scripts, tutorials and many more German PHP resource (especially for newbies) Some German tutorials about PHP
SelfPHP German function reference for PHP like SelfHTML for HTML German site about PHPGTK This german php community gives you everything you need. A large script-archive, lots of tutorials and a qualified moderated forum that answers nearly all your question Free printable workshops for PHP newcomers
Hungarian Starting point for Hungarian and International PHP sites
Weblabor Fresh news, articles, links and mailing lists from the world of web development and PHP
Italian The biggest Italian speaking source for PHP: daily updated links to scripts, articles, tutorials and many other resources. An Italian site that provides a variety of developer tutorials, with a small PHP section An Italian-language PHP site that features a variety of projects, reviews, courses, tutorials and other resources Section of an Italian site that provides tutorials about PHP, hundreds of scripts, books and a list of free and pay webhosts which support PHP
Norwegian (Sindrem Norwegian site for newbies and intermediates. Installation help and scripts.
Persian A site about PHP for Iranians, with news and forums.
Polish Daily updated website with articles, translations, the biggest PHP Polish forum, dedicated IRC server, legal information section, etc.
Portuguese - Cidadela The PHP section of Cidadela provides articles, tutorials, a help forum, and an Application Market. Romanian PHP Community, articles, tutorials, online discussions and forums.
php club International PHPClub community based in Russia. Forums, articles, lessons, consulting.
php PHP in Russian. Full Russian documentation.
Swedish - php portalen A Swedish PHP portal with articles, news, forums and much more
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Directorio de Librerias y Clases
Tutoriales y Recursos
Herramientas de Programacion
Sitios Importantes sobre PHP
Libros y Revistas
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